New to the Kindleverse

Good afternoon, Arrowheads! I’d like to admit something… at one point in my bookworm life, I swore that I’d never have an ereader because printed books are fantabulous and what have you. Now that I’m running out of room in my room to put books, I thought about getting a Kindle, to which my dear Josh bought me for my birthday last month. So, now I’m the thrilled owner of a Kindle Fire tablet, and I absolutely love it!


First things first, I’m super glad he chose the Fire over the base model Kindle or Paperwhite, because I can see the covers in color on this’n. Sure, that may sound a little superficial, but so much time is put in to creating alluring covers that I think they should display in color on all Kindle formats, but that’s just me. And then there’s the fact that I can watch Monk on Amazon Prime on the Kindle whenever I please, and this is a big step-up in my couch-potatoness.

But, what I really adore about the Kindle is the ebook pricing. Well, some of it. I’m kind of a bargain hunter, and as y’all know, print books can be expensive! Plus, what I’m mostly seeking to read now is indie Christian fiction authors to support the genre, who usually offer their books at fair prices regardless. This way, I can carry as many books around with me as I want! If I eventually get bored with one, I can have a backup book ready to go! That’s more of a struggle with printed books. I’m not entirely won over to a strict Kindle Only reading experience yet, but the cute little thing sure has grown on me!

Do you prefer print books or ebooks? I love printed books, but the Kindle is much more efficient in the grand scheme of things in my opinion.

-Allyson 😀

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As an author and blogger, my goal is to teach writers that there is a way to write realistic, thought-provoking, redemptive Christian fiction that honors God while not sugarcoating the realities of the world. 

2 thoughts on “New to the Kindleverse

  1. I like my kindle for trying out new authors I’m not sure I’ll love, and for getting great deals. But when I really fall in love with a novel, I usually end up buying a paperback or hardcover version too.

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