The Lunch Break Workout

Between work, maintaining a social life, and spending time working towards completing tasks for hobbies/personal goals, working out is often pushed to the backburner. I’ve struggled with trying to stay motivated to complete my workout videos after work on my free nights, but I’m often tired and would rather do something else. So, while on my lunch break at work the other week, I decided to come up with a circuit to squeeze exercise into my day.


The Lunch Break Workout:

5 Reps Of:

  • 10 Toe Touches
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Arm Stretches (Of your choice; it’s a “cool off” move)
  • 10 Knee Highs

It doesn’t seem like much, but after doing this for two or three days, I could already feel it working. You can also do how many reps you feel comfortable with. I started out with three reps, but recently increased it to five. You can also add other non-equipment moves you like, such as jumping jacks. I’m hesitant about doing that in my office, because I feel like I’ll sound like a herd of elephants jumping around. 😛

Also, unrelated to the Lunch Break Workout, I’ve discovered two other tips for pursuing weight loss:

  1. MyFitnessPal: A good way to keep track of your calories, log your exercises, and keep up with your vitamin and water intake. By using this app, (along with other methods), my college-aged cousin has lost 40+ lbs!
  2. Bowling: Believe it or not, bowling is a fun and effective way to burn calories! According to MyFitnessPal, you can burn 200+ calories by bowling for an hour! That’s hard to beat!

Thanks for checking back in with me this week! What are your favorite exercizes/workout methods for busy days? I’d love to hear from y’all!

-Allyson 😀

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As an author and blogger, my goal is to teach writers that there is a way to write realistic, thought-provoking, redemptive Christian fiction that honors God while not sugarcoating the realities of the world.